New players often have difficulty in betting on cockfighting because they lack cockfighting tips from their predecessors. To help you achieve success in this game, the following article of 789bets will introduce useful tips.
1. What are the forms of online cockfighting at the house?
There are 2 most popular forms of cockfighting and cockfighting. Let’s find out details about each type with 789bet!
1.1Iron spurts
Cockfighting is a very popular form of cockfighting in Cambodia, especially in the Thomo cockfighting arena.
In this form, the player needs to equip the cock with a pair of sharp spurs, which increases the attractiveness and shortens the time for the matches. When two cocks fight each other, if they get stuck in the dead holes, it is likely that the rooster will roll around immediately.
On current websites, most cockfights with iron spurs are held directly at the Thomo arena. These matches are very dramatic and attractive, attracting many players to participate. So try to collect as many cockfighting tips as possible to give yourself a chance to win!
1.2 Kicking cock
Staggered cockfight is a variation of cockerel cockfight. The cock’s spur is made like a sharp knife, unlike the iron spur which is designed as a sharp needle. This form is very popular in the Philippines.
In cockfighting, players need a little luck to win, besides the cock’s health, technique and cockfighting tips of the cockerel. This is due to the surprise, the ability to turn the situation around is always possible, creating the attraction and drama for the match.
2. Tips to play standard cockfighting that every player should know
To have the probability of winning in cockfighting matches, bettors need to pocket for themselves the detailed cockfighting betting tips that 789bet will share below.
2.1 Choose a reputable bookmaker
To have the opportunity to break the cockfight bookies, the first tip to play cockfight is to choose a reputable bookie. With hundreds of different websites on the online cockfighting market, not all bookmakers are reputable and safe to join. Therefore, bettors must choose carefully to check the bets at the prestigious award-changing playgrounds.
Some criteria to evaluate a reputable online cockfighting house are:
Reputable online cockfighting bookmakers will be granted a legal operating license recognized by an international gambling organization.
Prestigious bookies will usually be allowed to directly link with online cockfighting schools such as Thomo cockfight, Cambodian cockfight, Philippine cockfight.
Full listing of address and contact information on the official website of the bookie.
The house has many positive feedbacks from players on the official website.
Has fast access speed, unblocked, safe gaming links, does not lead to third sites.
2.2 Tips to play cockfight – Choose the right bet
Bettors need to look at some of the characteristics of the cock to be able to make a decision to choose a cockfight bet.
Color: The neck and head of roosters with a deep red color will usually be extremely healthy. If the color is pale, it may indicate that the chicken is not healthy.
Style: Choose a chicken that has just been brought in and aggressively attacks the opponent. Chickens just looking for food means they are not really ready.
Legs: Too long legs when performing kicks will drain a lot of strength.
2.3 Know the online cockfighting bets
The third cockfighting tip is aimed at knowing the bets and forms of online cockfighting. Different forms of cockfighting online require you to have knowledge of the bets and the form of cockfighting to be able to place bets correctly.
American cockfighting: This form brings dangerous kicks and brings many emotions to the participants.
Cockfighting: This method gathers the cocks with the most dangerous kicks to attack the most critical departments of the opponent. With these kicks, the opponent will be defeated in a short time.
Peruvian cockfighting: This is one of the methods with the highest odds.
Cockfighting: This form is less common in cockfighting arenas.
2.4Analysis of cockfighting achievements in previous matches
Although cockfighting is also a game based on chance, if the bettor takes the time and knows how to observe and pay attention, the odds of winning can be very high.
To achieve that, it is necessary to look at the results of the most recent matches to know about the performance of the cocks. This is a good cockfighting trick that will help bettors gauge the odds of winning the cocks.
To sum up, when playing cockfighting online, if you apply the right cockfighting tips and don’t miss any opportunities, you can absolutely achieve invincible success. Hope the information brings to you useful.